Lost World SMP Guide

How to Link Your Minecraft and Discord Accounts

To link your Minecraft and Discord accounts, follow these steps:

  1. Join the Discord server at https://discord.gg/lostworld
  2. Join the Minecraft server: Connect to the Minecraft server using the IP lwsmp.mooo.com.
  3. Register/Log in: Once you've logged in or registered, run the command /discord link.
  4. Receive the code: You’ll get a 4-digit code in-game.
  5. DM the bot: Send this code to the bot in the discord server "@Lost World SMP" via direct message.
  6. Accounts linked: Once the code is sent, your Minecraft and Discord accounts will be linked.

Account Types

How to Play

To join the server:

  1. Start the server: In Discord, use the command !startserver to start the Minecraft server.
  2. Join the server: Once the server has started, connect with the IP lwsmp.mooo.com.

Important: Any player caught exploiting or abusing the bot will be blacklisted.

Blacklist Information and Help

Additional Help

For extra assistance, DM the Discord server owner, @nmcli.